About the Contest
Imagine you could travel back in time with any fossil, and have it show you around its neighborhood. What might that have looked like? What other ancient organisms did it live with? Use your knowledge of the fossil you choose to reconstruct the ancient ecosystem—its home—in which it thrived.
There are many clues you can discover that tell a story about the ecosystems that existed in the geologic past. The rocks tell you about the environment they were deposited in, and the fossils are the remains of the plants and animals that inhabited them!
Use your detective skills as a paleontologist to piece together what your fossil's neighborhood might look like.
For information about the contest click here.
For an entry form click here.
Entries must be received by October 8th, 2014.
Photography Contest
"Connections in My Community"
Earth science is the study of the geosphere (land), hydrosphere (water), atmosphere (air), and biosphere (living things). These spheres — or Earth systems — are continually affecting and influencing one another all around us. In our homes, in our neighborhoods, in our workplaces, and in our public gathering places, we can observe the dynamic interactions of “Earth system science.” In a photograph, capture evidence of the connections of Earth systems in your community. Click here for more information.
Visual Arts Contest
"Earth's Connected Systems and Me"
Earth scientists — or geoscientists — study land, water, air, and living things. In particular, these scientists pay attention to the ways these “connected systems” affect each other. Scientists study, for example, how water shapes the land, how living things use air, and how air and water act on each other. How do these connected systems affect you? Use artwork to show how land, water, air, and living things are connected in the world around you. Click here for more information.
Essay Contest
"Earth System Science in Today's World"
Our planet’s land, water, air, and living things each affect and are affected by one another. Earth scientists observe these interactions among Earth systems — the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. Scientists study these interactions to seize opportunities and address challenges in areas such as harnessing energy, farming land, ensuring safe water, preparing for natural disasters, protecting the environment, and building communities. Explain one way that geoscientists’ study of Earth’s connected systems is helping to improve the world today. Click here for more information.