Everyone knows about The Ice Age; usually a reference to Earth's most recent global cold snap that abated 12,000 years ago. Fewer people know that the last two million years may have hosted 50 or more glacial advances and retreats and glacial climates are far from a recent phenomenon in Earth's history.
Zach Sepulveda, a member of the Earth Science Scholar program of the Colorado Springs Mineralogical Society and the Pikes Peak Pebble Pups is attending the Western Interior Paleontological Society's Founders Symposium: Ice Age Worlds and their Fossils at the Colorado School of Mines.
Zach presented his poster on Saturday and Sunday, March 16th and 17th, 2013 at the Green Center on the Colorado School of Mines campus.
The title of his poster is: Ice Age Poetry: Sensing the Pleistocene. Zach is also a member of the Colorado Scientific Society.
Zach Sepulveda with his poster presentation at the Green Center
at the Colorado School of Mines.
Zach's abstract was published in the symposium proceedings
along with all of the scientists who were doing oral presentations. In addition to his abstract being published by the symposium, Zach's art work and Ice Age paleontology poetry was featured on the first page of the proceedings to really set the theme of the once frozen world and its creatures.
Zach assisted with setting up each speaker's PowerPoint
presentation. He had to load both day's programs onto
the main PC, and then start each program for the individual
A record crowd of scientists, museum curators, paleontology enthusiasts, authors, artists, and Earth science students attended the two-day event in Golden, Colorado.