Well, you just got to see this incredible exposure of rock
layers. This is a thrust fault/syncline formation. The fault occurred when
pressure caused the rock layers to push up, creating the nonconforming layers
and downward fold (syncline). Uplift of the area by movement of the Earth's
crust caused this folding.
Photo © Steven Veatch
Good exposures like this road cut reveals the tremendous pressures within the Earth that torture and deform rocks. On the surface rocks must deal with physical and chemical weathering. This site is in the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming.
Photo © Steven Veatch
Nearby I found this dinosaur museum that was going out-of-business. All of the dinosaur bones were for sale. I bought I huge scapula from a giant sauropod for $100. It took three of us to haul it out to my car. It was all original dinosaur bone. Looking back, I now realize a made a huge mistake. I should have bought more bones. The owner was really wanting to sell out and leave. It is not every day that you find a dinosaur museum that is closing up and selling fossils "dirt" cheap!
Photo © Steven Veatch
After messing around the dinosaur museum we spotted this pretty, pastoral scene. Just below the surface are probably arrowheads and spear points of the Arapaho and Cheyenne. A little deeper would be more dinosaur bones in situ.
Photo © Steven Veatch
This valley of tortured rocks and dinosaur bones was homesteaded during the early days of Wyoming's settlement. This small structure remains at this Wyoming ranch.