Pebble Pups Take a Field Trip to the Denver Gem and Mineral Show
Several CSMS teen pebble pups, now called Earth Science
Scholars (ESS), met Steven Veatch (program leader) and Roni Poteat at the
Denver Gem and Mineral Show for a day of exploration, looking closely at the
educational cases, taking a break for lunch together, and then looking at the
dealers. Two of the ESS got to meet and
pose for a picture with Dr. Robert T. Bakker. Later one of the ESC talked with
Dr. Kirk Johnson of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.
Blake (L) and Gavin (M) pose for a picture with Dr. Bakker,
who is an important paleontologist who famously wrote
the warm-bloodedness of dinosaurs. Photo by S. Veatch. |
Blake calmly waits to be eaten by a dinosaur
who was running amok. Photo by S. Veatch. |
Gavin’s head is in the vice-like jaws of a theropod dinosaur.
The pressure is so intense it is forcing his tongue out.
Luckily, Gavin was able to escape this perilous
situation and quickly recovered from his wounds
and bought a fossil sea dollar. Photo by Laura Harmon. |
Welcome! This is the gateway to adventure and discovery
Through this blog pebble pups and junior members of the Colorado Springs Mineralogical Society can access their lessons, work on assignments and projects, and receive details about field trips in the Pikes Peak Region. This Internet program is also suitable for young people who are interested in Earth science but do not live near a rock club or gem and mineral society or for young people anywhere who want a deeper dive into these topics. The only requirement is that all participants must be members of the Colorado Springs Mineralogical Society and must fill out the CSMS membership form (under important websites) and send their registration and membership fee in. Steven Veatch is the senior instructor and will need an email from you with your name, address, phone number, and permission from your parents to participate in this program.