Jack Shimon, a CSMS pebble pup, earned his merit badge by completing 3 activities. He had a lot of fun doing this.
Activity 1: Organize a group display, etc. Jack entered his fossil display in the junior competition at the RMFMS entitled “The Rudist of Bivalves”. He also put together a tri-fold display about the Pebble Pups group and what the club means to him. This display is on its way to a museum in Colorado Springs for temporary exhibition with his fossil.
Activity 2: Plan and Lead a Field trip- Jack planned an earthcaching trip to Monument Rock with his class mates. They went on May 3 and Jack led them to the site and asked questions about the geology: How tall do you think Monument Rock is? Guesses were 50-200 feet tall. Which was here first, the rock or the town? The rock. What is the rock made of? Nobody except Jack knew it is sandstone, but he taught the kids how sandstone weathers and is much softer then granite.
Activity 3: Manage a booth- Jack set up a rock/fossil and lemonade/cupcake stand to show off and sell some of his extra collection. He and Jane recruited their friends Hailey, Ty and Lexi Brennan (new Pebble Pups) and they hosted it together. Jack has also fulfilled part of Activity 7, become a mentor. It is his friendship with the Brennans and enthusiasm for sharing his interests that helped Ty decide to join Pebble Pups. Jack also made Ty a started rock collection with his extra stuff.